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We do not need to be in the same room in order to work together. We offer you multiple ways to discuss together your project. From the classic email exchange or phone call conversation to the live meetings through messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Google meeting or even Team viewer. Simply pick what you prefer. All people are different in the way they like to work, so we will adapt to your choices and schedule.  Please let us know which country you are living in so we can offer you a suitable timing for any live meeting.


Logical Steps


Here are the logical steps we will go through together from the time you contact Dash Komodo till the time your website is going Live. Email, phone call or whatever you prefer, we will have to exchange few ideas and documents.


You contact US

You need a free quotation or simply already made up your mind with your project. You send us an email with as much details details as possible and we will contact you by phone.

Our Reply

It will be fast, we will call you directly on your phone and together we will discuss about your project (Budget, Objective, Timeline) . Following this call we will send you a questionnaire by email to cover open points. This will help both of us to define better your project.


Our Quotation

Based on all your answer, we provide you with a quotation that includes the description of services we will deliver and a timeline. Once agreed we will start work immediately.

Design and Content

At this stage you are providing us with some content (Photo / Texts / Logo) and we are working on our side on Design. We will offer you 2 different design relevant to your industry and we can discuss them together.

Last Check

Your website is developped, hosted and we can go through together to fine tune the final result.

Your Website is Live

It normally takes us between 7 to 15 working days to developp entirely your website. That includes Design, optimization, hosting, security and subscription to Search engine. At this stage we enter the maintennce period.

We will help you evaluate the website you need and issue you with a free estimation for free. Absolutely no engagement.

