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Our core service is to design and build your website, we decline our all-in-one solution to different type of websites depending on your request. Below are the starting price but you can of course add some options to your project.


For the above formulas, we will ask you to prepare and provide us with your photos, logo (if any) and texts. These will be used to build the content of your website. We will send you a template so it will make this process easy for you.

If you want a clear idea of how we will work together without meeting physically, you can just click the button below and discover how simple it is. We offer various possibilities, you simply pick the one that suits you the best.




We offer you a standard 1 to 5 pages for your website but you may need a little more. We will create more pages for your website, same design code and still responsive on any device .



You want your business to be memorable and distinguish yourself from competition ? We can create a grab attention for you.

It will respect design best practices in terms of color, shape and meaning. We can integrate it to your website and you will be able to use it for your prints, letter headers, email signature and embroideries. We hand over all original files to you, because it is your Logo.



We design your business cards, several variations will be proposed. You choose the one you prefer and we send you all the files your local printer will need to finish the job.



We create your visibility on Google Maps, load your picture and  make sure you have your first 5 stars review. This will highly increase your visibility if you have a physical address for your business and drive your customers at your front door.



We create your PRO email with the same extension as your website ([email protected]) , you will be given an access with user and password.



We deliver a standard optimization with every website, however with more time and work we can further optimize your website so search engines will more likely bring your business as a result for the matching research in your area or your field.


LOADING E-Shop articles

We can take over your upload of items for your e-shop. You are given 10 Loads in our above package but we can spend time and load these 100 more items for you.





All of our quotations are including a detailled pricing line by line with a description for each line.

