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Below are the Frequently Asked Questions about working with Dash Komodo in building your website. If you do not find the answer you’re looking for , do not hesitate to contact us.


Do I need a website ?

There are various good reasons to have your website today.

-People can find you 24/7 online and may have their questions answered just by visiting your website.

-This is the best way to showcase your work/expertise. Whether you display photo of your work or publish testimonies of satisfied customers, it will certainly help to decide new customers to work with you.

-It will increase your credibility and set you appart from competitors who do not have a website and leave more doubt to their potential customers. It will also re-inforce your activity identity and the image of your business.

-It will help you being contacted and reached more easily, we intregrate your GPS location and we include a contact form on your wbesite.

-Most of people are using internet search engine to find a service in their area, if they do not find your business they will certainly find your competitors.



What are the key elements for a website ?

First the Website itself. it is made of pages including texts, photos and a general design. This is a one shot payment for a one shot job. It belongs to you.

There is also the place (server) where your website is hosted. This is a yearly fee, just like renting a home.

Finally your Domain name will have to be created and booked. Here again, this is a yearly fee and during the time of your subscription, you are the owner of this domain name.


Do I need to have some IT knowledge ?

The answer is NO. If you choose Dash Komodo and our all-in-one solution, we will take care of everything for you. You will also have 2 free minor updates possible each year, for showing new photos or changing your rates for example. The second year, you will simply be paying for hosting and maintenance of your site. We consider that you are a partner more than a customer, because our relationship is on the long term.



I want to update my old website

Please let us know the name of your website and what changes you would like and we will answer to you with a Yes or NO. If yes, we give you a quotation, if No we will recommand to you some other web agencies more suited for your needs.



I have no Logo, no graphic identity.

You do not always need a logo but it is honestly better to have one. It helps people to remember you better and also is the first image of your business. We can create you a Logo and helps you with your graphic identity. We keep up to date with trends, business codes and any aspect of business identity. You will be provided with additionnal documents that can be re-used in your professional documentation and can be brought to your local printer.


I 'm not at ease creating text for my website

If you are unsure about what to say or how to promote your business, we can offer you to create the content for you. It will include specific keywords (for Google to help find you) and will be done after a meeting with you where we will ask you plenty of questions, this will help us understanding how to best promote your business.


What about Emails ?

We can create for you a professional email integrating the name of your website in the email structure. We can also arrange for this email to forward all emails received to your existing email. So you do not have to change your habits. For people who are allergic to Emails, please stick to phone calls with your customers. Nothing worst than unanswered emails.


How long before I have my website ?

Depending on your project, it can take from 10 working days to a lot more. This is the time needed by Dash Komodo to execute all necessary tasks. Now if we wait for your text or photos to be sent to us, we will keep working on other aspects when possible , but if you create delays, these delays will of course impact the delivery time of your website.


I also need business cards or leaflet

We can create business cards for you, you will receive an electronic file and will just need to bring it to your local printer (we can also directly deal with your local printer). Leaflet can also be created, in that case we will need a meeting to understand exactly the purpose, the design, the information and the format you need.


How much will it cost ?

Our all-in-one solution will include your website (one shot) and the hosting, domain name and maintenance of your website (1 year). Starting price is 650 USD.  The second year you just need to pay for hosting, domain name and maintenance and this second year will cost 250 USD.

We will discuss with you any variation from our package or any additonnal requirements.


Why Choosing Dash Komodo ?

We specialize in small size businesses , other larger agencies will be only be looking at very large customers. We do good work on what we can handle, if your request is too technical or too large, we will simply help you find a more suitable agency for your project. Customer satisfaction is our main priority and due to the long term relationship we have with them, we often support them beyond our contracted services, we can give you advice for your business too. We have zero interest to have angry customers, absolutely zero.

Dash Komodo can also improve your visibility beyond your website. We also touch Social Networks, Organizational Question with you if needed and help you obtaining the necessary good reviews for your business.


I found cheaper than Dash Komodo ?

Well, for what we offer it is unlikely but it could happen. Be careful with extremely low offer, they often means low quality of execution and zero support. We deal with hosting, security and we feel concerned if you have an issue. Dash Komodo creator worked over 15 years with biggest High Tech industries in the past In Europe and USA, dealing with international project, millions of budget and very high level of commitment. This is in our DNA, respecting and caring for our customers small business.



We hope we answered most of your questions, if we did not please contact us and we will do our best to clarify and explain any topic. We can also organize a video-meeting so we have a cup of coffee together while discussing your project.
